The most important change is to the administration of Local Industry Development Plans (LIDPs). The key changes are:

  • using a standardised online process, Local Industry Development Plan (LIDP) questions are now customised to each project. For large, contestable projects, bidders will still be required to address questions on local content, jobs outcomes and monitoring and reporting. However, for eligible smaller scale projects and contracts, less information will be required. The information required will be pre-determined in advance and suppliers will continue to work with the ICN on completing LIDPs
  • the revised Guidelines now require LIDPs to be completed only at the relevant project stages, removing the need for a supplier who does not meet the technical requirements of a project to complete an LIDP
  • the provision for agencies to exempt specific contracts from completing an LIDP has been removed and replaced by the new LIDP system. This will provide consistency for all agencies and supplier contracts.

We will also soon be announcing changes to reporting with a transition to a new reporting system through the Victorian Local Jobs First Management Centre (VMC). Through the transition phase, please continue to use ICN Analytics until advised. Further information and guidance will be provided shortly.  

The Local Jobs First Agency and Supplier Guidelines have also been updated to clarify some frequently asked questions and improve usability.  A full list of changes for reference is as follows:

  • clarifies Local Jobs First (LJF) eligible projects and that the thresholds are based off total project value
  • removes advice on the transitional arrangements from the former Victorian Industry   Participation Policy (VIPP) Act 2003 with that advice now available here
  • explanation of process for contract variations once a project is underway
  • updated glossary with expanded list of terms
  • updated Minister and department name
  • simplified language
  • re-ordered to create clear instructions for Standard, Strategic and Major Projects Skills Guarantee (MPSG) eligible projects
  • information on how to apply LJF to panel contracts
  • detailed description of Industry Capability Network’s processes and role.

If you have any questions regarding these changes, please contact The Industry Participation team are also available to provide a briefing to teams and answer any questions. Briefings can be arranged by contacting