The fifth elevated station built as part of the Caulfield to Dandenong level crossing removal project is now taking passengers. To date, more than 10 million hours have been worked on this project by a huge group of engineers, tradespeople, crane operators, drivers and technical specialists.

26 of Melbourne’s dangerous and congested level crossings have so far been removed– including nine between Caulfield and Dandenong. During peak construction in June this year, there were more than 6,600 workers across 18 sites.

In addition to level crossing removals, the Victorian Government is growing Victoria’s future rail workforce. In Clayton, nearly 50,000 hours of training have been delivered at a dedicated training centre boosting the skill base in Melbourne’s south east.

To ensure cost is not a barrier to people getting the skills they need to contribute to the Victorian Government’s massive infrastructure program, 30 priority TAFE courses are now free and 30,000 new training places have been added.

Apprentices, trainees and cadets also continue to play a huge part in Victoria’s pipeline of infrastructure projects, completing at least 10 per cent of work hours under the Victorian Government’s Major Projects Skills Guarantee.